Origami Fortune Teller
Step 1
Start with a square sheet of paper.
Step 2
Fold the paper into a triangle by joining the bottom-right corner to the upper-left corner.
Step 3
Unfold the paper.
Steps 4-5
Repeat steps 2-3 this time joining the bottom-left corner to the upper-right corner.
Step 6
Fold each corner to the center starting with the bottom right corner making sure you align it with the diagonal lines
Steps 7-9
Repeat step 5 for each corner of the paper.
Step 10
With each corner still folded, turn the paper over
Step 11
Once again, fold each corner to the center.
Steps 12-14
Repeat step 11 for each corner
Step 15
Label 1-8 on each triangle.
Step 16
Put questions or dares of your choosing under each number.
Step 17
Once each corner is filled out, fold each side back, making sure all four corners are folded and turn the paper over.
Step 18
Write 4 different colors of your choosing, one for each corner
Step 19
With all corners still folded, fold the paper vertically (hot dog style)
Step 20
Put your index fingers and thumbs under each corner.
You made your own origami fortune teller! Now have fun and try it out with someone!