Origami Turtle
Step 1
Fold the paper in half, then unfold.
Step 2
Fold the corners to the center crease.
Step 3
Turn the paper over.
Step 4
Fold the slant to meet the center and allow the flaps in back to come loose.
Step 5
Fold the bottom flaps to the center as shown.
Step 6
Fold about 2/3 of the flap back down as shown.
Step 7
Fold the “diamond” in half then fold about 3/4 of it back up.
Step 8
Begin creasing at the left corner tip and slide the crease to the center, then squash parts of the head.
Step 9
Turn the figure over.
Step 10
Squeeze the sides of the tail together to create a hump on the shell. Make sure peak of the hump does not go past halfway. After squeezing the tail, fold it to the side.
Step 11
Fold the tail under the body.
Step 12
Fold the corners on both side in to give the shell a rounded appearance.
Step 13
Fold only parts of the tail back out, allow the base to lock the shape of the shell in place while tips protrudes out.
Step 14
Turn over.
Step 15
Fold the arms in and then fold the tip back out to the center of the shoulder’s edge.
Step 16
Fold the legs in and half of it back out to the edge.
Turn the turtle over and stretch the arms and legs out a little so it can stand. Good job!